There’s a gentleman at Strictly Cuts in Desoto, TX (where I take my boys to get their haircut) who still shines shoes. His name is Charlie Brown (no kidding), and I love to watch him work.
I’ve seen Mr. Brown take shoes scuffed and worn-out by the use (and often misuse) of their owner and resuscitate them–seemingly to not only give them new life, but their owner as well.
And he does this with merely a few tools.
It’s really amazing to see. He works on each customers shoes as if they were the very first shoes he’s ever shined. The precision and care he puts into ensuring each shoe sparkles is truly a sight to behold.
I’ve watched Mr. Brown’s hands, and I’ve watched Mr. Brown’s face while he shines the shoes. I’ve wondered what his thoughts are exactly while he shines, but his expression leaves me to surmise his focus is on excellence!
“Excellence” because he knows the confidence a nice pair of shoes provides a man. “Excellence” because he knows his handiwork is continually on display wherever his customer goes. “Excellence” because he knows his work is a reflection of him and will send others to him. And, “excellence” because he knows he is offering, if only for 10 minutes, a moment of respite for the owner of those shoes–worn out from use (and sometimes misuse).
People who create and provide excellence in their work this way always give me a glimpse of God’s meticulous care in creating His creation. It’s so sweet to read Genesis and see how God took all day each day creating very specific things, which would eventually provide me sustenance, beauty, and joy.
And, He was so impressed….no that’s too shallow a word…He put so much of Himself into this creation that not only did He see it as good, but the enormity of excellence with which He put into it is the only thing from which the God of the universe ever rested.
So, if you’re ever in Desoto, TX, go by Strictly Cuts and get your shoes shined by Mr. Brown. And, tell him I sent you. 😉