Last week while visiting my sister and her family in Florida, my sons and I did what you MUST do when visiting Florida…we went to the beach! While they played in the sand, I decided to walk the shore and look for a purple shell because of my #foreverpurple love affair with Prince.
The waves were hitting pretty hard, but in my mind they weren’t moving THAT fast. Then I spotted it. A beautiful purple shell! While I stood there in that brief second admiring my success in finally finding a shell (this was day 2 of doing this y’all), BAM! the waves rushed up, hit the shore, and swept it away. DANG IT!
So I tried again. SUCCESS!! (Like for real y’all. It happened twice.) Got it!
That first wave taught me a quick lesson. Move quickly or it’s gone. Gaze too long with no action, and it’s gone!
I thought of Matthew 4:21-22 where Jesus called James and John and IMME-DI-ATE-LY they followed him! Wow!
Yes, there are things in which you need to weigh all factors before acting. But, there are also those things that you must act on immediately or they’re gone.
So, how do you know when to move, and how do you know when to sit still? That’s where prayer comes in.
I’ll pray at the drop of a hat, y’all. I have learned nothing is too small or inconsequential for God. But, I have now sought to so align myself with God’s purpose, that when I get out of bed, I pray that my feet will not go, my words will not say, and my actions will not do anything that is not in accordance with God’s divine purpose for that day!
So pray, act, fulfill y’all! There is something to be said for the NOW. James and John acted in that moment because they understood in that moment a divine purpose was about to be had.
What in your life is God compelling you toward with the push of immediacy? I’d love to know…but only after you’ve done it.
Now go do…:)
Most of the time, my challenge is just the opposite – stopping to consider before I jump in. When I stay connected to God through prayer and study, it’s easier to listen to that still, silent voice telling me “Go!” or “Hold up!” Either way, your advice is on point: wake up every morning ready and willing to do God’s will. Love the post!