The following posts are my IG posts from when I severely injured my hand from an exploding wine bottle. I outlined what God was showing me and teaching me during one of the most trying times of my life….
Met my hand therapist (amazing the professions out there who help so many that I am clueless about!). My big, thick cast was removed! !st security blanket removed! She (my hand therapist) will be teaching me how to ensure I can use my hand again.
What God showed me through my visit with her–fear ensures you don’t move. But, movement influences healing–even if it hurts!
I also went to my hand doc where the P.A. removed my stitches. 2nd security blanket removed! 😬 I was nervous and thought it too soon (Me: I just had surgery. Are your notes correct that the stitches should come out right now?!!” P.A. (laughing): Yep, I’m sure. It’s time.”
I stopped counting at 20 as she removed them. So many! We talked about them being my security blanket–in essence, I was falsely thinking everything was still being held in place by them!
The P.A. told me if the stitches aren’t removed, your body heals around them, they become a part of you, and can become dangerous tumors as your body knows they don’t belong, but is still healing.
What God taught me: Pray for people who aren’t aware that what they think is healing them is actually hurting them and that they release the fear of removal as “it” (whatever their “it” is) MUST be removed or their growth will be misaligned.
And y’all, I had a few stitches where the skin had started healing over them. Man, they hurt coming out!
Remember, removal hurts, but holding onto something or someone out of fear of coming undone can be fatal in the long run!