Jacob had a dream of a pie. Seriously. He really did. So we made it.
Ok. So, here’s my plan. I want my boys to cook…correction…to LOVE cooking and cook the family meals by the time they’re 11. As Jacob is 10.5 now, I don’t think I’m on schedule, but at least they enjoy cooking! I got that part down! 🙂
So, when your child tells you they had a dream about a recipe they want to try, you appease them.
No. He’s never baked a pie. No. He’s never had a fond interest for baking, but he had a dream, and we made it. AND, it was soooo good. So, we named it the “Dream Pie.” Yeah, not too creative, but it works! HA!
We tried it the first time as small tarts, which was a hit at our family dinner (the one time when as many cousins, nieces and nephews, significant others and sibs mesh their schedules and break bread together)! So, Jacob wanted to expand it to a (his words) “real pie.”
OMG!!! So yummy!!
Try it with your kiddos! Well, scratch that. Just asked Jacob and he doesn’t want to reveal his secret recipe. 🙂 But, he’s ok with me sharing the pics…