well, i am no longer a SAHM (stay-at-home-mom). i started my new job today. i feel SOOOOO blessed to have been able to stay at home for 15 months with my son. god could not have made my transition any sweeter than this morning.
jacob woke up exceptionally early (like he knew we would both be gone). lou got up with him and tried to put him back to sleep, but to no avail. so we all were up at 5:30 a.m. so, lou stayed awake with him and fed him breakfast and they hung out for a while while i got my last hour of sleep. when i got up, lou was on his way out to work and jacob and i played together, and i felt like i HAD to be the one to get him dressed and ready for the day like always. so we snuggled after he got dressed. then he fell asleep in my arms. i put him down, kissed him, and finished getting ready for work. my mom got here needing to do nothing but relax and wait for him to get up and the action to begin. hahahaha
i was so worried about how i would handle leaving him. but, this was a sweet transition. and he had a blast with “gammie.” she said he did not miss a beat with my being gone, and i had no heart tugs throughout the day with leaving him (although two days prior i cried myself [and lou] to sleep about having to leave him). everytime i called to check on him he was just having so much fun in the background.
when i got home he was still having a good time with my mom and my nephew, and it just felt wonderful to feel his little body wrapped around me when i picked him up.
what was life before jacob???